After seeing our Career Overview, you’ll have a great feel for our culture, our market, and our growth strategy. You’ll also understand our available positions and how you can be a part of what we’re building.
On this page, we’ll go through the most commonly asked questions about our career, how we market our products and get our leads, and how we get paid.
Q & A
I’ve Never Been In Sales Before – Can I Really Make A Good Income?

Absolutely! Some of our top income earners came from a completely unrelated field – here are some examples:
- Teachers
- Athletes
- Former CEOs
- Recent Graduates
- Stay-at-home Moms
- Veterans
- Waiters & Bartenders
- Musicians
- Grandmothers
- Leasing Agents
- Recent Transplants
- Real Estate Agents
- City Administrators
- Operations Managers
We see this as an advantage since we train you from the ground up. Some of our top six-figure income earners each year are people in their first year with our company. In fact, one in seven full time career agents earns a six-figure income. Your income will be a direct reflection of two things; your work effort and your ability to apply our selling and growth systems. If you have confidence in both areas, we provide you the opportunity to attain your personal income goals.
What Would My First Few Weeks Look Like?

A new agent’s first few weeks are tightly structured to give a proven ramp to a successful launch. Our New Agent Calendar goes through this in detail.
What Expenses Will I Have Initially?
The company provides all the sales marketing materials, initial training & ongoing leadership development at no cost to you. The Gridiron Leadership Team provides the local office at no cost to you. You are responsible for attaining your state license, which is very inexpensive. You are also responsible for getting to and from selling appointments.
How Much Travel Is Involved?
This is your local career. Most of your time will be spent working in your local assigned territory. As a part of the corporate training process (called Sales Academy) you will travel for four days your first month to a nearby city and home office covers the cost of your hotel while you’re there.
Do You Offer Paid Benefits?

Because we are classified as independent contractors we meet our own insurance needs like any other business owner. Because of this you have the ability to choose what insurance is best for your own personal or family needs. Home Office offers cash bonuses designed to offset those costs.
Do People Fail In This Career?
Career agents fail because of 2 reasons:
1. Lack of effort
2. Lack of follow through on systems
We provide the best products and the need for our policies is ever growing. We provide exceptional product and process training. We provide a pay structure that is cash rich and a selling process that yields a very short selling cycle.
Our Sales System
Our selling systems are simple, effective, proven, and cost no more money than the gas to get to the prospect’s business or home. We invest in your personal skills (“teaching you to fish”) rather than simply feeding you for a day. This approach has worked for our company since its inception and has taken the home office from $0 in assets in 1989 to over $1B in assets today.
Two Systems to Building Your Client Base
1. Prospecting and Selling Mom & Pop Business Owners

The What: Small Mom & Pop businesses (1 to 10 employee businesses where you can walk in and meet the owner) are underserved in our niche. They are too small for AFLAC and Colonial to serve
The Why: A small hair salon, mechanic, flower shop, etc. relies on the owner being present to operate the business and serve the customer. If the owner were to battle cancer and couldn’t run their shop for 3-6 months it would affect their business revenue, their personal income and cause a hardship in paying their business and personal bills. They love the logical nature of our products with Return of Premium. These business owners “get” what you are offering and provide the best referrals.
The How-To: You will be trained on a systematic approach to prospect, develop referrals and sell. It begins with walking into 20-30 businesses on a daily basis to find the decision-maker, set the appointment and give a presentation. With energy and follow through, it’s extremely effective and produces an immediate result that is long-lasting.
NOTE: We also serve larger businesses on a payroll basis but start with the Mom & Pop and systematically work in the “back door” approach with the larger businesses.
2. Serving Those In Your Personal Network

The Why: Most of the people we are connected to have never discussed or considered a backup plan if they were to go through cancer, heart attack, stroke or an accident. Many have been approached by multiple sources regarding Health Insurance, Life Insurance and Retirement, but very few have anything in place to pay their bills while they are battling (and surviving) an illness. Think about who you know personally who has battled cancer. Did they have any financial hardships that came unexpectedly? Would they have benefited from having our policy in place? If you went through cancer tomorrow and couldn’t work for 6-9 months or longer how would you pay your bills and keep your family afloat?
The How-To: Develop a list of 100 people in your personal network and work out of the local office each week to set up 8-10 appointments to educate them on our coverage. They may have heard of AFLAC and competing companies but likely lack a clear understanding of the benefits they offer. They get to see the very best supplemental insurance on the market and are grateful you care about them enough to introduce them to the policies. You put yourself in position to earn a substantial advance pay, lifetime residual income, and a wealth of referrals – all while contributing to people you care about!
A Day In The Life….
- 1 hour. [anytime] – Organize the contacts you made last week, create a weekly game plan and share with your mentor.
- 9 am – In-office meeting or conference call depending on your market
- 10 am – Phone call block
- Noon – Appointments + In-Person Approaches
- 6 pm – Pre-call planning for next day
- On Fridays, end your day whenever you reach your goal for the week
The Point System
The name of the game in our business is getting 30 “points” per day:
- 1 Point for making an Approach
- That could be approaching a referral over the phone,
- walking into a business and asking to speak to the owner,
- or walking across the street from a client’s house and introducing yourself to the neighbors.
- 3 Points for giving a Presentation
- 5 Points for every family protected
An Example of how points work in the typical First Week:
- Monday: Approach 30 people and set 4 appointments = 30 points
- Tuesday: Get stood up for 2 appointments, Approach 30 people and set 3 appointments = 30 points
- Wednesday: Give 3 Presentations (9 points), Approach 21 people = 30 points
- Thursday: Give 5 Presentations (15 points), close 1 with 2 Applications (5 points), and then Approach an additional 10 people = 30 points
- Friday: Give 7 Presentations (21 points), close one with 3 Applications (5 points) & one with 2 Applications (5 points) = 31 points
Earnings from the above Activity: (see next section for more details)
- Total: 7 Applications
- $1,400 cash advance by direct deposit
Every agent is different. Some have a vast network of contacts that they can tap into immediately to get their 30 points every day. Others build their business by introducing themselves to new people until they’ve built up a referral network of their own. Either way, Approaches lead to Presentations lead to Customers.
How We Get Paid
There’s something so gratifying about finally being paid what you are worth. Our true pay-for-performance compensation plan makes us some of the highest paid sales career professionals. We take advantage of the fact that there is no limit to the amount we can earn. Last year, our full-time agents earned $50,000 on the low end, and our top performers earned over $400,000.
1 – Personal Sales commission on New Business
- Each week, you’re paid an advance on future income from the sales you make.
- You receive on average $200 per sale up front:
Cash Flow Examples….
Sell ONE a day:
$200 a day x 5 days = advanced $1,000
$80,000+ in first-year commission
Sell TWO a day:
$400 a day x 5 days = advanced $2,000
$160,000+ in first-year commission
Sell THREE a day:
$600 a day x 5 days = advanced $3,000
$240,000+ in first-year commission
2 – Renewals & Residual Income: the most exciting thing about our career
- Beginning with the second year, you will be paid renewal commission for every active policy you’ve written
- Full vesting after only five years locks in a permanent income, regardless of your future affiliation with us
The value of your renewals after just one year …
Sell ONE a day:
Your Lifetime Renewals (Years 2-20) are worth over $50,000
After 5 years you’ve built a $250,000 retirement annuity
Sell TWO a day:
Lifetime Renewals (Years 2-20) = $100,000
After 5 years = $500,000 retirement annuity
Sell THREE a day:
Lifetime Renewals (Years 2-20) = $150,000
After 5 years = $750,000 retirement annuity
3 – Management Income

We are not just looking for high-performing sales people – our passion is to help people build businesses of their own! We have quarterly training on exactly how to build a massively-profitable agency. We promote our new agents quickly: you can get your first promotion a few weeks after you start, and you can make partner in as little as two years.
- We’re growing fast and allow all our new Agents to bring in new Agents from day one
- You earn a $3000 bonus for every Agent you refer into the agency
After you are promoted to Field Director (can even be in your first month):
- You will earn 5% on all New Business sold by Agents you manage
- For each Agent making 5-6 sales/week, you would be advanced around $200
So your weekly advance would go up depending on how many active Agents you have at any given time:
ONE agent = $200 a week
THREE agents = $600 a week
TEN agents = $2,000 a week
Your override will increase and you can also earn lifetime renewals on your team sales by moving into our Market and Regional Director roles.

4 – Bonus and Incentive Program
Our partnership with the best company’s gives our Agents
- Award-winning incentives
- Push-week cash bonuses
- Monthly cash bonuses
- Monthly stock grants
- World-class international & domestic vacations
- and more!